Canine Massage
At Armstrong Canine Massage Program, the art of Canine Massage is taught in order for us to help all dogs be free of muscular discomfort and/or pain in order to enable them to do all they enjoy in life to the fullest.
Whether it’s agility, hunting, Dog Shows, playing in the yard, going for walks, sitting on your lap or just enjoying retirement.
All Dogs are truly athletes, and like athletes, a little massage goes along way. The benefits of massage to our senior dogs are tremendous as well. Massage helps stimulate those old muscles that no longer get the use they once did and help loosen them up for easier mobility. Dogs benefit in the same way humans do through massage and we want to share that with them.
We take pride in focusing on Empathy, Compassion and Safe Gentle Care of our four legged friends. Together and/ or working with your Veterinarian, Canine Chiropractor, or Dog Trainer we strive to help your dog achieve the utmost well-being and health through Massage. After all….It’s All About the Dog!
View our Canine Massage Brochure / Manual in PDF
Armstrong Equine Massage offers a 2-Day Canine Massage Foundation Class AEM Canine-1 that is a hands-on class. This course teaches you how to feel and identify sore muscles in various dogs. We talk about the whole dog, from head to paw.
This class is perfect for those that want to learn how to help their dogs or the first step to becoming a professional in the Canine Industry.
What we cover in AEM Canine -1 Foundation Class:
- Safety when handling dogs
- Canine Anatomy ~ Muscles
- Massage techniques
- Evaluation of the Body
- Stretching techniques
- Animal Behavior
- Essential Oils with animals
What we cover in AEM Canine-2 Master Class:
This class is designed to help Professionals that want to add value to their Canine Massage Business. This is a hands-on class. You must complete the Foundation class first before The Master Class.
- Biomechanics
- Fascia
- Canine Acupressure
- Canine Anatomy ~ Skeletal
- Advanced Massage and Stretches
- Marketing/Business
- K- Tape application
- Skill Assessment
- Customizing each massage to promote balance
- Documentation~ Client records
- Canine Raindrop Technique
There is a case study requirement after class that must be completed before taking the final test.
Certification is not guaranteed for any class. You must complete the requirements of case studies and testing to pass.
Massage is not a substitute for veterinary care.
Each person is responsible to know and understand the laws in the state they wish to practice.
We provide support and mentoring all along the way.
You may also attend the program again at no cost if you so choose after completion of the course.
Don’t Worry, AEM is still offering Introduction to Massage workshops but will be on separate days and a limited number throughout the year. These will be designed for Clubs or groups that want to learn some quick and simple tips for their dog’s comfort.
Pictures from the MN Dog Expo

AEM Canine -1 Foundation Class
AEM Canine -2 Master Class
Canine level 2: $695
Dog owner class as an additional option for $200
$100 Deposit
You must pre-register.
Limited spots are available.
Located in Becker, MN.